Creative-driven innovation / Culture based regeneration

Cervo, a town for sustainable culture

Year: 2022

Conceived and designed for: Municipality of Cervo

Fom 2021, we worked together with the Municipality of Cervo, in Liguria, for an innovative place-making and creative driven strategy to foster positive impact in the local community and reboositng the town’s identity and image for new cultural and sustainable tourism. The first step was the strategic support in the concept generation and management of “Lento” (Italian for slow), a new brand identity for the cultural enhancement of Cervo, whose strategic objective is to give a unified framework for the cultural promotion of its territory, fostering both sustainable tourism and community development. “Lento” focuses in fact on a combination of environmental, social and economic sustainabile policy framewirks and good practicies. As by 2022, the work has expanded to the municipalities of Diano Arentino and Villa Faraldi with Cultura Open Hub, a wider valorisation and placemaking project selected by the Ministry of Culture and financed under the “Bando Borghi” national initative.